6 Tips to Help you Get the Most out of your Summer

Can you remember what summers were like when we were kids? I can recall summer days being full of summer camps, swimming lessons (water parks!), and tournaments while summer nights were filled with drive-in movies, bonfires, night games, and then being able to sleep in late the next morning. Though we all would have had different experiences, I imagine that each of our summers had one things in common: free time. Well, until we got old enough for summer jobs…
Since then, things have changed for all of us. Summer is a different kind of busy and if we’re not careful, summer can become just like the rest of the year: work, errands, chores, sleep, repeat (except with sunshine).
To help slow down and enjoy this summer, our team has come up our 6 Tips to Help you Get the Most out of your Summer.
1) Be flexible in your schedule
Try not tie yourself to a set schedule as you never know what summer will bring. Allow yourself to be flexible enough to be spontaneous for when summer activities pop up.
2) Find time for yourself
Commit 30+ minutes of “me” time to yourself each day. Use the extended daylight as an opportunity to focus on your own wellness.
3) Limit devices
Think back one more time on the summers you had as a kid. How often did you use technology? Summer is a time to be outside and being in nature can be healthy for you and your family.
4) Beat the heat (responsibly)
While each of us needs to do our part to help get through this drought, we recommend spending time in the sun as much as possible. Beat the 100° days by visiting your favorite swimming spots such as water parks, splash pads, and pools or head into our beautiful mountains to enjoy the rivers and lakes. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.
5) Savor. Every. Second.
Just as our childhood summers flew by, so will this summer and the next. Take time to recognize and savor the special moments as we won't get them back.
6) Let Beehive Meals Take the Busy Work out of Family Dinner
Our award-winning meal prep service is designed to help you spend as little time in the kitchen as possible while still enjoying a delicious homecooked meal. Make sure your freezer is stocked full of our most recent month’s menu to make sure your ready when they’re needed!
Visit beehivemeals.com to learn more about our meal prep and delivery services and how we can help you and your family prioritize family dinner.