Beehive Meals is now on MyFitnessPal
![Beehive Meals is now on MyFitnessPal](
Beehive Meals is now available on MyFitnessPal allowing you to add our meals to your food diary and track daily intact. MyFitnessPal helps keep track of daily food and beverage intake, calculating all nutrients, calories, and vitamins. This enables you to see patterns and find out what your diet may be missing or where you need to cut back a little.
How MyFitnessPal Works
If you’re new to MyFitnessPal, you can download the mobile app for free on either the App Store or Google Play. Or you can visit to access your account from a desktop. The free version allows you to track your food and exercise with no limits.
How to Add Beehive Meals to Your Food Diary
Log into your account on MyFitnessPal, go to your Food Diary, click 'add food', then search for “Beehive Meals” to find all of our meals or search for the specific Beehive Meal (ie. “Beehive Meals Chicken Burrito Bowls”). Add the meal to your diary and all of the calories and nutrition facts will be added for that day.
The Benefits of Tracking Food
You may be surprised as to what you’ll learn about your habits as you begin to keep or a food diary or track your food and drink intake. Tracking your eating habits can help you highlight ways to improve your health and exercise routine that you may have never discovered.
Some of the benefits of tracking food are:
- Gives a better understanding of your current eating habits
- Supports you in your health and fitness goals
- Provides awareness to help hold yourself accountable
- Highlights missing food groups and nutrients
- Allows you to plan ahead and avoid overeating