Classic Meatloaf

(The Daily Dish) Beehive Meals offers a Classic Meatloaf and after enjoying the meatloaf with your favorite sides, there is enough left over the next day that you can make delicious meatloaf sandwiches!
For many, classic meatloaf is considered a comfort food. A meal that brings back the nostalgia of younger years and family meals around the table with siblings and parents.
For some of us, we are fortunate enough to have someone at home who has the extra time (and energy) these days to make home-cooked meals and we can all sit down and create these same memories we had as children. The sad thing is that we all aren’t this fortunate and as prices rise across the nation, more and more parents are having to go back to work or are working longer hours or multiple jobs to be able to provide for their families.
When you find something that works for you, you want to share it. Beehive Meals was created for this exact reason. They want to help make it possible so parents can still work, support their families AND be able to sit down and enjoy a delicious, homecooked meal – TOGETHER.
A company designed to make it as easy as possible for busy parents looking to still spend quality time around the dinner table with their family while still enjoying homecooked meals and also make it affordable.
Customers simply find an open date within their county and place an order. They then prepare all the meals about 48 hours before the reserved delivery date, seal them in vacuumed-sealed packaging, freezer them, and deliver them straight to your front door.
Because of their extremely loyal customer base, they do tend to sell out quickly. Customers remove the ingredients from the bag, cook them in the crockpot, maybe add a side or two, and then enjoy together as a family.