March 2024 ⎮ Dinner Planning with Allyse

Allyse has now shared her dinner plans for March 2024! You’re more than welcome to follow along (or eat-along) with Allyse throughout the month. Be sure to follow us on Instagram as Allyse will be sharing tips and tricks specific to cooking with this month’s menu.
Allyse's March Dinner Plan
(click to download)
Dinner plans by week:
Week 1 Dinner Plan
Week 2 Dinner Plan
Week 3 Dinner Plan
Week 4 Dinner Plan
Make It Your Own
Keep in mind that Allyse may be trying to feed a different family size than yours and currently has a family of five with three of them being smaller mouths (six, four, and two year old). While her family typically uses our Smaller Portions (3-4 servings) freezer meals, she’s begun to use the Regular Portions (5-6 servings) with the purpose to create a second meal from the leftovers. #loveyourleftovers
Our goal in sharing Allyse’s dinner plans isn’t so much for you to follow exactly but to find inspiration to use with your own dinner plan. “Teach a man to fish.” So, in addition to Allyse’s monthly and weekly plans, we have prepared multiple editable meal plans for you to create your own. They can be downloaded here:
Monthly Dinner Plan Template
Weekly Dinner Plan Template
Our goal at Beehive Meals is to 'take the busy work out of family dinner' and hope that you find these resources useful! With a rotating monthly menu, we always have great meals available for your family to enjoy. To reserve your next delivery, visit our locations page by clicking here.