Share the Love with Beehive Meals

If you ask us, the best part of Beehive Meals is the opportunity we have to give. We take every opportunity we can to give back to our community that we love so much—and we want to invite you to do the same.
Serving Is in Our DNA
When Allyse Jackson, our founder, was pregnant with her first baby, she went right into nesting mode, and that included making nearly 80 freezer meals. Realizing she had way over prepped, Allyse started giving them to neighbors in need. Whether it was families welcoming their own new babies or those struggling with illness, or maybe someone who just needed a pick-me-up one day, Allyse chose giving food as a simple way to serve.
That service-centered mentality hasn’t left Beehive Meals. Every year, we donate hundreds of meals to needy families through our Season of Giving, and we’ve also partnered with Show Up Utah this year to give delicious freezer meals to teachers. But it isn’t just about us — we hope you’ll take the opportunity this year to give back to your community, your family, and friends.
Ways to Give with Beehive Meals
Our meals are easily giftable, and they do so much good: they provide a warm meal to someone you care about. If you’d like to join us in sharing the love with Beehive Meals this year, we have some great ideas to help get you started.
Give your kids' teachers a meal or two at this busy time of year. Just as we’ve done with Show Up Utah, you can use Beehive Meals to help support the teachers in your community. Use one of your leftover insulated bags that come with your monthly delivery, and pack a few freezer meals inside. You can go all out and add a few sides (some dry pasta or rice, or some fruit and veggies), and then top it off with a bow!
Keep a stash of Beehive Meals in your freezer for new moms and dads. While it’s great to get a hot meal after bringing a new little one home, what about a month later, when you’re still sleep deprived? Freezer meals are a great option to help out new parents when they need it. Delivering a Beehive Meal or two, or giving a month of meals will be the best gift you can give.
Use Beehive Meals gift cards or a month of meals as a baby shower gift. We know it’s tempting to buy all the cute little things and give new parents three outfits for every day of their baby’s life, but a more practical and meaningful gift could be the gift of time. Take the stress out of making meals for new parents, and give a month of meals or a gift card as a shower gift. Then, when they’re ready and desperate for some help, Beehive Meals can deliver that service—thanks to you.
Order larger portion sizes—and share with your neighbors. You know when you get that text from your neighbor that says: “I made extra dinner tonight, want some?” and you want to shout hallelujah? Yeah…we do, too. And isn’t it great to be on the giving side of that text? If you choose larger portion sizes with your Beehive Meals subscriptions, you’ll save money per serving, and you’ll have an easy way to give to that family across the street, the widow in your neighborhood, or the family going back and forth to the hospital when a loved one is ill.
Leave a gift card as a surprise gift. Ding-dong ditching your neighbors with treats and sweets, no matter the occasion, is always lots of fun. This year, why not leave a gift card? If you have a family you’d like to provide service to, a gift card towards a few Beehive Meals will be the best porch present ever.
Giving Feels So Good
It’s hard to believe, but giving Beehive Meals is even more delicious than sitting down to eat yourself. Giving feels so good, and knowing that you’re giving healthy, delicious, and fresh meals that bring warmth to their home will leave you with warm fuzzies.
Be sure to tag us in your social media posts—we’d love to see how you give Beehive Meals this year!