Frequently Asked Questions
Your first delivery day can be any exciting experience! Our delivery team understands that there may be questions on how everything works so they’ve created a full page outlining the day.
Please find it here: What to Expect on Your First Delivery
Delivery dates are organized by area (county, city, or region) on dedicated days to ensure food safety through efficient delivery routes. This means that our delivery drivers will only be in certain locations a few times each month.
Your initial subscription and one-time order will be delivered on your selected delivery date (ie. June 3rd).
For monthly subscription customers, delivery dates are anchored to weekdays, instead of calendar days, throughout the month (ie. 1st Tuesday, 3rd Thursday, etc.) based on when your subscription order started.
There is no need to worry if your order status is marked as fulfilled before your expected delivery date as it simply means your order has been added to a delivery route. Our delivery team often prepares routes early causing statuses to be updated.
If your delivery day has passed and you still haven’t received your meals, please reach out to us so that we can better understand what happened to the delivery. -
Submit a form or reach out to us via email or phone.
Customer Service: +1 801 589 0591